
Home made knitting needles

Recently E and I went looking for knitting needles of a bigger size. The diameter we had in mind was 10 mm or more. They were hard to find, I tell you. The only pair we found was quite expensive. 80 kn for a pair of pointed sticks? Well, I can make them myself! Why not? It's worth to try, isn't it?

So, I explained what I wanted to do to Z, we went to Bauhaus and bought for wooden sticks 1 m long. After a bit of handiwork involving a grinder, saw and abrasive paper.. voila' - my new needles!

Four pairs for the price of one bought pair.

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The pencil is for measure. The sizes - 12 mm, 14 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm.

The thinnest ones were made of beech wood, the others of pine wood. I didn't think it would be necessary but a coat of varnish has to be applied.

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I tried them right away! Isn't this beautiful? The knit is sooo soft, and also quick to make.

The only thing to figure out is the way to prevent stitches to slip off the needles. I thought about gluing beads to the edge of the needles, or wooden discs slightly larger then the needles to the end. Maybe it isn't necessary to do anything since they are long 50 cm. Quite enough for scarves. What if I want to knit a blanket? Uhm, I have to think of something nice...

Do you think I could carve out a crochet needle? I had that crazy thought...

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